The Minister of Aviation, Sen. Hadi Sirika, on Thursday said the Federal Government was ready to create a National Council on Civil Aviation. Sirika, who was represented by Mr Mohammed Abdullahi, Minister of State for Science and Technology, made this known at the 8th Edition of the Aviation Workers` Week and Award Night (AWWAN) in Abuja. The theme of the event was “ The Challenges of COVID-19 Pandemic to the Nigerian Aviation Industry: The Path to Recovery. “ According to him, some states have started embarking on establishing their own airports which calls for holistic coordinated by the Federal Government. “ I think there is a compelling force for that of council to be established. We have seen how various forms of disciplines and other segments of the government are able to patronise theirs at the state level to achieve maximum result. “With states launching the establishment airports at the state level, I think there is need for the council to properly coordinate and regula...